Wednesday, July 15, 2009
(A friend recently sent this to me. I hope you enjoy it.)
"You must become who you are. A life lived willy-nilly and at the whims of fashionable beliefs, is a life not lived at all, but a role inhabited by a stranger.
It is a life on route to a head-on conclusion with regret, rage and deception. By treating your life as an accident and therefore worthless and to be lived unmindfully, you deceive yourself most profoundly.
Only when you understand this will you experience rage and regret at the forces in you and outside of you that have kept your potential and true self locked away like a dirty secret you had no right to know.
It is not only your right, it is also your obligation to reclaim your true self from the scene of the accident and inhabit it fully, no matter the cost or outcry.
All the survivors of this accident have the same potential to recover from the trauma of the discovery that we're alive and it's not going to last.
All of us have the resources to wake up from the anesthesia of our "beliefs" and fears and to claim the health and growth that we paid for in full through our births and eventual deaths.
We had no choice in terms of payment and collection. We do have a choice in how we will spend what is left."
~ Mel Ash, from "Shaving the Inside of Your Skull"
"You must become who you are. A life lived willy-nilly and at the whims of fashionable beliefs, is a life not lived at all, but a role inhabited by a stranger.
It is a life on route to a head-on conclusion with regret, rage and deception. By treating your life as an accident and therefore worthless and to be lived unmindfully, you deceive yourself most profoundly.
Only when you understand this will you experience rage and regret at the forces in you and outside of you that have kept your potential and true self locked away like a dirty secret you had no right to know.
It is not only your right, it is also your obligation to reclaim your true self from the scene of the accident and inhabit it fully, no matter the cost or outcry.
All the survivors of this accident have the same potential to recover from the trauma of the discovery that we're alive and it's not going to last.
All of us have the resources to wake up from the anesthesia of our "beliefs" and fears and to claim the health and growth that we paid for in full through our births and eventual deaths.
We had no choice in terms of payment and collection. We do have a choice in how we will spend what is left."
~ Mel Ash, from "Shaving the Inside of Your Skull"
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