Back to Work!

Monday, July 6, 2009

I returned to work on Monday, July 6th after 5 + months on a medical leave of absence. I have to admit that I was quite nervous about returning. My biggest fear having to do with venipuncture and whether or not I would "remember" how to do it properly. In as few pokes as possible.

I could not have been given a bigger confidence booster than to draw the same patient on my first day back from medical leave, as the patient I drew on the very first day of my externship, back in November.

The first time I drew this patient, in November, was disastrous. Of course I was nervous, and I had the voice of my instructor in my head taking me through the steps of the draw. Finding out the patient was a pediatric RN ~ before I drew her ~ only increased my nervousness 100-fold. She was also a difficult draw.

I believe I poked her three times (with her permission, otherwise I would have stopped at failure number 1!) before I asked the senior MA, who was overseeing my first few days, to take over.

I was thrilled ~ and much more confident than I had been last November ~ to be able to draw her again. Especially on my first day back.

I got her on the very first try. YES!

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The Compassionate
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